PAWSS, Inc. sponsored the training of seven local members of the Recovery community for the North Carolina (NC) Certified Peer Support Specialist Program.
A Peer Support Specialists is an individual living in recovery from mental illness and/or substance use disorders, who provides support to others who can benefit from their lived experiences.
The NC Certified Peer Support Specialist Program provides acknowledgment that the peer has met a set of requirements necessary to provide support to individuals with mental health or substance use disorders.
Based on the needs of each participant, PAWSS, Inc. sponsored up to 67 hours of training for the seven community members who responded to local advertisements. This also included the registration and lodging costs for participants at the 11th annual NC One Community in Recovery Conference held in Greensboro, NC in March of 2020. Once all participants receive their certification, PAWSS, Inc. aims to help secure them employment at local agencies.